Tuesday, January 1, 2013


                                                        The Divas..xoxoxo
 Diva mwenyewe, Guys i'm so in love with diva she such a nice person charming and happy always..OMG i'm excited to see you again diva and have fun with you doll...xoxo
                                                   My lovely sister and diva at club 327

                                             My lovely sister the owner of Amina Design

 My sisters crew... i like this crew they know how to party and they know how to make money... imma
 follow in ur footsteps guys watch me..xoxo

Guys after black party we went to the new club in town, 327, wow!!!  its a nice place and i like it so guys if you never been there make plans and go one day
                                               The crew...Sara, Shaydee and friend

     Shaydee, Credoooo the famous soccer player and Sara the owner of Angalia bongo Blog
 Yeaaaah!!! that's me muke ya muzungu with the Designer Martin Kadinda.. mzee wa single button
                                     Moi with the famous musician Ommy Dimples
 Yeiiiiii!!!! we both got dimlpes babeeee.. hahaha clara wa madimples and ommy wa madimples pozzz kwa pozzz, we can smile as long as we want to because we got such cute smiles

                                Partner in crime at the black party and we were partying like hell..xoxoxo
                                                               Everything on point babeiiiii
Moi with Martin

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